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    • The Constitution of India

February 28, 2024/

Constitutionalism, a cornerstone of democratic governance, is more than the mere existence of a constitution. It is a philosophy that ensures individual freedoms take precedence and prevents the state from encroaching upon citizens’ liberty. It emphasizes a “Limited Government,” recognizing the need for government while insisting on restraining its power. The essence of…

The Preamble to the Constitution of India: An Elaboration

February 18, 2024/

The Constitution of India is the highest legal authority in the country. It lays down the basic framework of the Indian political system, the structure and functions of the government, the rights and duties of the citizens, and the principles of governance. The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution in the…

Rule of Law

February 17, 2024/

The Rule of Law, a cornerstone of democratic governance and civilization, is deeply embedded in the fabric of India’s Constitution. This principle, though not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, has been affirmed by the Indian judiciary as a fundamental part of its basic structure. The Rule of Law, a product of English jurisprudence…


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